Edmonton Institution
21611 Meridian Street
Edmonton, Alberta, T5Y 6E7
Visits: 780-472-6052
FedPhoneline has Calling Card Numbers for this Institution

Note:  Information below may no longer be accurate.  Please contact the Institution directly for up-to-date information.

Edmonton Institution is located near the Northeast boundary of the city of Edmonton, in the Province of Alberta. It is located within city limits on the west side of Highway 15 of the City of Edmonton, approximately 18 kilometres from the city centre. Edmonton Institution opened as a maximum-security institution in 1978.

Edmonton Institution is a standalone facility that encompasses maximum security site based on a courtyard design model with direct observation cell ranges. The shape of the building is rectangular with the inner courtyard.

Rated capacity: 324


Do I need to be on an Incarcerated persons visitors list? 

Yes, visiting application form must be filled out.  If there are children visiting then a child waiver application must be filled out for the child as well.

Click here to download any official forms from Correctional Service Canada:

How can I schedule a visit?

Must book 48 hours prior to visit.  Call Monday - Sunday from 2:00-8:00PM

Visitation Information: 

Length of visit:  120 Minutes      

Number of visits per week:  Varies

Number of visitors per visit: 3

Can I drop off money to my loved one when I visit?  Cannot drop money at visits

Regular Visiting Hours?

Regular Visiting Hours:








5:45-8:00PM Unit C

1:30-3:30PM Unit 6

1:30-3:30PM Unit D

5:45-8:00PM  Unit 6

5:45-8:00PM          B,F Unit

1:30-3:30PM         G,H Unit

1:30-3:30PM         B,F Unit

1:30-3:30PM    A Unit

5:45-8:00PM G,H Unit

5:45-8:00PM    E Unit

* Be sure to call ahead as visitation hours may change

Due to Covid-19 restrictions and potential changes with Visitation process, click here to visit the Alberta Provincial Government Website and review visitation requirements.  

* Be sure to call ahead as visitation hours may change

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