Établissement de détention de Roberval
555, boulevard Horace-J. Beemer
Roberval, QC, G8H 0A7
Visits: 418-275-5511xt.57590

FedPhoneLine Does Not Service This Facility

Note:  Information below may no longer be accurate.  Please contact the Institution directly for up-to-date information.

Établissement de détention de Roberval is a 180 bed institution built in 2015 which replace the old Roberval Jail which was built in 1909.

Do I need to be on an Incarcerated person’s visitors list?

Yes. The incarcerated person puts you on their list.  It takes 1 to 3 days to be approved for a visit.


How can I schedule a visit?

Book visits 24 hours in advance, at the visitor desk or call extension 57590. The incarcerated person must be a member of your family.


Visitation Information:

 Length of visit: 60 minutes, but can be only 45 minutes, depending on the sector where the incarcerated person is, during the weekend.

Number of visits per week: 2.

Number of visitors per visit: 3 - Immediate family only (and wives/girlfriends)

Can I leave cash or money orders at the visitor desk?   They take certified cheque, cash or money order Monday to Sunday, between 1:00 and 9:00PM. You must be on the incarcerated person’s visitors list to give money. You must do it from.


Regular Visiting Hours?

Regular Visiting Hours:









Sector F:





Sector F:



*I was unable to retrieve the information for the other sectors.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions and potential changes with Visitation process, click here to visit the Quebec Government Website and review visitation requirements.  

* Be sure to call ahead as visitation hours may change

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