Prince Albert Grand Council Spiritual Healing Lodge
Wahpeton Reserve B, Box 2350
2300 9th Ave. West, Prince Albert, SK, S6V 6Z1
Visits: 306-953-7200

Note: The information below may no longer be correct. Please contact the institution directly for current information.

The following excerpt was obtained from the Prince Albert Grand Council website:

The Healing Lodge staff has full access to OMS and offender behavior information. Staff are available to provide holistic wellness counseling.

The Lodge is located 8km East and 3km North from Prince Albert

Teachings at the Lodge include:

  • Self-discovery-behavior awareness
  • Origin and awareness of violent and abusive behavior
  • Healthy Family living
  • Holistic healing
  • Community reintegration planning
  • Spiritual and Cultural teachings
  • Individual and group counseling
  • Education, training and employment information
  • Resident Elder on site
Regular Visiting Hours?

Call ahead for more information

Due to Covid-19 restrictions and potential changes with Visitation process, click here to visit the Saskatchewan Provincial Government Website and review visitation requirements.  

* Be sure to call ahead as visitation hours may change

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