Red Deer Remand Centre
4720 49 St
Red Deer, AB, T4N 1T7
Visits: 403-340-3200
FedPhoneline has Collect Call Numbers for this Institution

Note:   Information below may no longer be accurate.  Please contact the Institution directly for up-to-date information.

Built in 1987, this multi-purpose correctional facility that accommodates 124 male and female inmates who are either sentenced or remanded.

Regular Visiting Hours?  

Visiting hours vary by unit

Do I need to be on an Incarcerated persons visitors list? 

Yes, incarcerated person must first put you on their visiting list. 


How can I schedule a visit?

Then you must schedule a visit 24 hours in advance, call between the hours of 10:30-11:45 AM on Monday to Friday.  All weekend visits must be pre-booked on Thursdays and Fridays.

Visitation Information: 

Length of visit:  Varies

Number of visits per week:  2

Number of visitors per visit: 3

Can I drop off money to my loved one when I visit? You can deposit cash in the kiosk or leave a money order at the front desk 

Regular Visiting Hours?

* Be sure to call ahead as visitation hours may change and vary by unit.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions and potential changes with Visitation process, click here to visit the Alberta Provincial Government Website and review visitation requirements.  

* Be sure to call ahead as visitation hours may change

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